A big world

Whiles i was rummaging through the Internet, I came across a news article that talked about how Russia had attacked Georgia's cyber networks. I hanged around to read some of the comments and I found this rather amusing so i decided to share

Sure, John, all of Europe will listen to you and shut the pipelines down at once. They will all voluntarily go through the winter without heat or power all in order to make a statement of support for a small Caucasus nation that is itself marred in shady practices.

Face it, mate, nobody really cares about Georgia. Not NATO, not EU, not US, nobody. They glance at it awkwardly, mutter a few necessary words of disapproval towards Russia, and move on. Georgia had its shot of joining the big players, they had received help setting up their military, they had them battle tested in Iraq.

And what did they do? They blew it all in some regional conflict, betting all their chips on a slow Russian response. Was it a provocation from the Russian side? Sure, they are famous for sneaky tactics. But the simple truth of the matter is that Georgia took the full might of its newly minted military and turned it on its own people, setting off the conflict. That combined with their swift defeat soon afterward effectively disqualifies them from NATO membership.

The Russians tricked them like cocky children and they walked right into the trap. Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful. Maybe in a few decades, when Georgia decides to play on the world stage again, they’ll be a little bit wiser and little less trigger-happy with their new toys. Until then, it’s back to defacing websites and dropping rootkits on your mom’s computer.

The main article and the comments can be found here